Find local and national support for your organisation

Are you looking for a studio, office or retail space in the borough? Do you want advice, business finance or mentoring? Looking for courses to upskill your staff? 

Night aerial view of London from Highview House. The sun is setting and a flock of birds are flying by.

B&D’s business directory

Click on our local directory for information about local organisations and programmes supporting businesses in the borough.

Grow Local London

Grow Local logo

Grow London Local is the Mayor of London’s single front door for small business support in the capital, delivered by London & Partners.

Any small business owner in London can book a free in-person session to speak about the right support they need to grow their business.  

Businesses will then be directed to the advice and support that’s right for them, with ongoing contact to identify any further support required. 

Visit the website to find out more, or book a 121 session with one of the advisors today. 

National business finance and support

The Government provides resources and information about national business finance and support schemes here:

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