School food programmes

We are working with local primary and secondary schools across the borough to improve food education and catering – supporting young people to understand career pathways in the food sector, develop positive food cultures and skills, and access healthy school meals.

School food programmes

Our school food programmes encourage a ‘whole-school’ approach to food and support wider strategic goals for schools, from tackling social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) difficulties and improving physical health and wellbeing, to building cultural capital and meeting the Gatsby benchmarks for good careers education. 

We are currently running three programmes in local secondary and primary schools based around food: 

  • Careers in food: We are supporting teachers and young people to understand career pathways into good jobs and careers in food through interactive workshops, inspiring careers events and new work-related learning opportunities including a programme of school visits and fish preparation sessions in partnership withBillingsgate wholesale fish market and training school – due to relocate to Dagenham in the next few years!  
  • Food education innovation: We work with a range of partners to offer continuous professional development for local teachers to implement innovative approaches to food education. This includes work to adapt the food technology curriculum to make it more relevant to the borough’s diverse communities, as well as cross-curricular opportunities to use food to reinforce and engage students in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) and personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education.  
  • Know Your Onions: We are working with School Food Matters to increase nutritional understanding, build enthusiasm about cooking, gardening and the outdoors, and develop food growing and enterprise skills in local primary and secondary schools. The programme supports students and their teachers to grow vegetables and sell the produce at Barking Market, with proceeds going to a local charity. Participating secondary schools also visit Dagenham Farm to see commercial horticulture in action. 


 Contact if you would like to find out more about the latest opportunities for schools or sign up for our termly newsletter. 

Street food is being served

Read local press coverage of our school Taste Festivals

Two young boys are cleaning shrimps in a food schools training kitchen

Find out more about what students do at Billingsgate fish market

Young girl showing two strawberries to the camera

Read about our work to fill the ‘holiday hunger gap’

Cartoon image of the 'Market Food School'

Read out about the new Food School coming to the borough


"The children have got so much out of [the Know Your Onions programme]. The students have got really into gardening and because we've invested time in it it's now becoming part of the curriculum."

Teacher Trinity Special School, 2023

"I cannot thank you enough for the trip to Billingsgate…I seriously mean it when I say it is the best school trip I have ever been on and I lost count of the number of children that said the exact same thing. For our children, it was such an incredible experience for them and one that they will truly treasure - you saw first hand the buzz and excitement!"

Assistant Headteacher Thames View Junior School

"I took 31 year 10 students to Billingsgate training school…. The students enjoyed the practical and learning sessions…. Most students had never worked with seafood and were inspired to pick up the skills learned for their practical exams."

Head of Food Studies Robert Clack School

Ethical school catering

3 ladies working in a school kitchen are smiling at the camera offering various food items

In recent decades most schools have outsourced their school catering services. But this has been associated with lower pay and worse job security for staff, and reductions in the quality and nutritional value of school meals.  

At Barking and Dagenham Council we have sought to challenge these trends by creating a Council-owned, ethical catering company.  

BD Together is recognised by the Soil Association for its work to provide healthy and environmentally sustainable food to schools (Food for Life Silver Award). All staff are employed on Council terms and conditions and paid at least the real London Living Wage.

Click to find out more:

Woman wearing a soft mock-astronaut hat and NASA t-shirt is holding a big plate of cookies in a school kitchen.
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